GFS products are warranted to conform, on the date of shipment, to the GFS specifications in effect at the time of product manufacture. The GFS warranty obligation is limited to either replacement of non-conforming product or the refund of the purchase price. The limited warranty contained in this paragraph is the sole warranty provided by GFS with respect to all GFS products and is made expressly in lieu of and excludes any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and all other express or implied representations and warranties. Unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the President of GFS, GFS products are not intended, approved or authorized for human or animal consumption nor for direct use in any food, drug or cosmetic applications. GFS products are warranted to meet our specifications as set forth in the GFS Lot Analysis or other Company literature specifically relating thereto only. By accepting GFS products, Customer agrees to the limitations set forth herein, assumes all responsibility for the proper use of such products in accordance with these limitations, and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless GFS from and against any and all claims, suits and/or liability in the event such products are used in a manner contrary to these limitations. GFS AND LABSCOOP HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, LIABILITY AND/OR RESPONSIBILITY IN CONNECTION WITH: (A) ANY USE OR APPLICATION OF GFS PRODUCTS IN A MANNER CONTRARY TO THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH HEREIN; (B) ANY RESALE OF GFS PRODUCTS; OR (C) ANY REPACKAGING OR RELABELING OF GFS PRODUCTS AS NON-GFS BRANDED PRODUCTS. ANY USE OR APPLICATION OF GFS PRODUCTS IN A MANNER SUBJECT TO THESE LIMITATIONS SHALL BE USER’S SOLE RISK, AND SHALL RELIEVE GFS OF ALL WARRANTIES, LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY WITH RESPECT THERETO. These limitations many not be modified, affected or superceded by Customer, nor by any language, term or provision contained in Customer’s purchase order, confirmation or other correspondence or communication. RELIANCE ON CONTRADICTORY STATEMENTS, WHETHER VERBAL OR WRITTEN, BY NON-AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEES ALTERING THESE STANDARD GFS TERMS AND CONDITIONS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND AT CUSTOMER’S SOLE RISK.
Consult SDS before use. Not for direct food, drug or cosmetic use.