Keep your lab in sync. Requisitions made simple.

Streamline your intra-lab requisitioning process with Shared Carts – a team-centric shopping experience that makes ordering lab supplies effortless
Shared Card Illustration
Bring the Power of Automation to Your Lab with
One-Click Supply Requisitions

Shared Carts are designed to enhance your existing eProcurement workflow by providing an effortless method of creating, processing and tracking all your requisitions in one intuitive interface.

Egg mobile
Invite Lab Members & Set Roles
Setup your lab group by inviting lab members, assigning roles to each member, setting purchasing thresholds, and customizing your labs approval workflow. Multiple lab groups can be created for administrative coordinators and lab managers who are involved in managing multiple labs.
Illustration - Invite Lab Members & Set Roles
Add Products to a Shared Cart
Add items to a Shared Cart and upon notification, requested items can be approved and ordered by your lab manager or administrator in accordance with the roles and workflow established. Labscoop is a secure, web-based platform - so, lab members can add items to the shared cart from just about anywhere in the world.
Illustration - Add Products to a Shared Cart
Order Requested Supplies
Place orders for items from multiple suppliers for all of your lab members in a single transaction. You can place orders through our streamlined checkout or through your organization’s eProcurement punch out system. Payment can be processed via purchase order, credit card, or bank transfer.
Illustration - Order Requested Supplies
Receive Relevant Order Status Notifications
Once the lab manager or administrator has ordered the requested items, order status notifications from all suppliers in your order will be sent automatically to select lab members based on which lab member requested the item.
Illustration - Receive Relevant Order Status Notifications
Manage Inventory & Easily Reorder
Delivered items will be added directly to your inventory and available for quick and easy reordering.
Illustration - Manage Inventory & Easily Reorder
Invite Lab Members & Set Roles
Add Products to a Shared Cart
Order Requested Supplies
Receive Relevant Order Status Notifications
Manage Inventory & Easily Reorder
Shared Cart
Create Account
Invite Lab Members & Set Roles
  • Invite Lab Members & Set Roles
    Setup your lab group by inviting lab members, assigning roles to each member, setting purchasing thresholds, and customizing your labs approval workflow. Multiple lab groups can be created for administrative coordinators and lab managers who are involved in managing multiple labs.
  • Add Products to a Shared Cart
    Add items to a Shared Cart and upon notification, requested items can be approved and ordered by your lab manager or administrator in accordance with the roles and workflow established. Labscoop is a secure, web-based platform - so, lab members can add items to the shared cart from just about anywhere in the world.
  • Order Requested Supplies
    Place orders for items from multiple suppliers for all of your lab members in a single transaction. You can place orders through our streamlined checkout or through your organization’s eProcurement punch out system. Payment can be processed via purchase order, credit card, or bank transfer.
  • Receive Relevant Order Status Notifications
    Once the lab manager or administrator has ordered the requested items, order status notifications from all suppliers in your order will be sent automatically to select lab members based on which lab member requested the item.
  • Manage Inventory & Easily Reorder
    Delivered items will be added directly to your inventory and available for quick and easy reordering.
Labscoop is simplifying the way scientists order lab supplies by making it possible for lab members to shop as a team by adding items to a Shared Cart and tagging relevant members to each item so the entire lab is in sync. Labscoop is the best way to shop for lab supplies and has saved our lab time and money
Ravi - cancer biologist
cancer biologist
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Get Started?
Request a demo or Create an Account to gain instant access to millions of products from hundreds of suppliers.
For Enterprise solutions, contact us at for more information
  • Request a Demo
    Get a demo to see how Labscoop can streamline your lab's ordering workflow.
  • Create an Account
    Setup your account to get instant access to the Marketplace and more.