
Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? Find answers to common questions about our products and services.
Why should my lab use Labscoop?
Thousands of labs across the world use Labscoop with varying goals and levels of integration. Labs utilizing Labscoop, more broadly, benefit from one-click requisitioning, better search, fair pricing, greater transparency, and access to millions of products from thousands of pre-vetted, trusted, global brands all in one place.
How much does Labscoop cost?
Creating a Labscoop account is free and includes all features and functionality you need to optimize your lab’s workflow and drive savings including Marketplace, Shared Cart, ScienceSamples, Inventory, and Curation.
Can I use Labscoop for personal projects?
Labscoop is specifically designed for labs within universities, institutions, government organizations, and a wide range of noncommercial business organizations including biotechnology, science education, pharmaceutical, medical, energy, aerospace, food, beverage, environmental, agricultural, personal care, and cosmetics. At this time, due to the wide range and nature of products offered within the Labscoop Marketplace, we do not supply to individuals. Furthermore, all accounts are screened and only approved upon verification of business documents and commercial shipping addresses.
What is the approval process for new accounts?
Typically, new accounts are approved within 48hrs though it may vary depending on the type of organization. New accounts go through a standardized screening process to ensure your intended use of the application and the products purchased through our platform is in line with our Terms of Use and Terms and Conditions of Sale. All accounts will undergo additional screening once an order has been placed depending on the nature of the product ordered as well as the shipping address.
How can my organization submit a purchase order?
Submitting your purchase by uploading a PDF of the purchase order during our checkout process is typically the quickest way to get your purchase order processed. However, you may also submit purchase orders to support@labscoop.com or by faxing the purchase order to 800.316.3081.
Can my organization submit a purchase order without creating an account?
Yes, a purchase order may be submitted without creating an account - however, our Support Team will need to create an account on your behalf in order to get the purchase order processed and shipped. Furthermore, all order details, invoices, shipment tracking information, and other ordering-related information and functions are only accessible by logging into your Labscoop account.
How do I order using my organization’s eProcurement system?
Labscoop may already be integrated within your eProcurement system as a Punchout catalog with integrated preferred pricing. If you do not see a Labscoop Punchout, contact your internal support team or platform provider so we can work to enable the Labscoop Punchout for your organization. If you’re a part of your organization’s procurement/purchasing team and interested in the enablement of the Labscoop Punchout in your organization’s eProcurement system, you can get started by submitting a request for an Integration Review or contacting us directly via email at support@labscoop.com and depending on your organization’s needs and existing eProcurement software, our Enterprise solutions team would craft an integration plan. Typically, we can integrate with most eProcurement and ERP systems within 2-6 weeks depending on the complexity level of the integration.
What is Labscoop Enterprise?
Our Enterprise solutions are designed for large organizations looking to integrate Labscoop into their eProcurement system for utilization by multiple departments and labs with many laboratory and administrative staff. Our Enterprise solutions can be customized to meet more complex workflows and compliance requirements while also allowing for the enablement of preferred institutional pricing and DINO logistics. Request an Integration Review to see how Labscoop Enterprise can improve your organization's existing workflow.
How does Labscoop handle my personal and payment information?
We do not share your information with third-party organizations for marketing purposes. For more information about how we handle user data, please read our Privacy Policy.
How can my organization get set up with preferred pricing?
To get preferred pricing setup for your organization, please request your purchasing/procurement department to contact our Enterprise solutions team at support@labscoop.com. Depending on how quickly your organization can proceed, it’s possible to get this set up within 3-5 business days. If you’re not sure who to contact with your organization, we can help - just send an email to our support@labscoop.com with your request and our team would be happy to reach out to your organization’s purchasing/procurement department.
Can my lab still receive our existing consortium or contractual supplier pricing?
Yes, it is possible to receive your existing contractual supplier pricing with select suppliers/brands. This is typically part of the evaluation and setup process when working with your purchasing/procurement office to get preferred pricing established for your account. In some cases, Labscoop Enterprise Preferred Pricing may be better than your existing institutional or consortium pricing.
What payment methods does Labscoop accept?
Labscoop accepts a wide range of payment methods including purchase orders, bank transfers, and all major credit cards including but not limited to VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover - which would also be inclusive of P-Cards and other company/institution-issued credit cards.
How can we establish NET payment terms with Labscoop?
If you work with a larger US-based government organization or an organization that currently utilizes Labscoop, NET terms will automatically be set for your account in accordance with the payment terms requested on the purchase order received from your organization. If, however, you are with an organization that has no prior history with Labscoop, based on the value of your order, our finance team will either determine that prepayment is required or provide your organization with a credit application to establish credit terms based on the credit worthiness. Due to the many factors involved, setting up NET terms can be established instantly upon receipt of your order or within 5-7 business days if the processing of a credit application is required.
What is a Shared Cart?
Shared Carts enable you to submit requisitions with just one click and are designed to enhance your existing eProcurement workflow by providing an easy way of creating, processing, and tracking all your requisitions in one intuitive interface. No more sticky notes, whiteboards, or long email threads - Shared Carts allows you to streamline communications between lab members, managers, PIs, and administrators with a workflow that can be customized based on your organization’s workflow and systems.
Which suppliers can I order from via the Labscoop Marketplace?
Labscoop Marketplace allows you to shop millions of products from thousands of trusted brands - some of which may already be your favorite and some that you may have never heard of before, which we hope may become favorites. See a complete list of supplier partner brands available through the Labscoop Marketplace for more insight or if you’re looking for a particular brand.
What is the Labscoop Guarantee?
Products backed by the Labscoop Guarantee have been evaluated for reliability and performance. If your lab is ordering products from a Labscoop Trusted Supplier that is backed by the Labscoop Guarantee badge and are unhappy with the purchase for any reason, contact our Support Team at support@labscoop.com, and we’ll make it right - whether it be a replacement, exchange, or refund.
What is the vetting process for Suppliers on Labscoop?
Our Trusted Supplier partners undergo a rigorous vetting process to ensure they are held to the highest standards. The specifics around our vetting process are confidential, however, at a broad level, we ensure our Trusted Supplier’s business documentation, location information, business certifications, as well regulatory and compliance information is verified.
What are the terms and conditions of sale?
You can find our Terms and Conditions of Sale listed at the bottom of our web application at Labscoop.com. The Labscoop Terms and Conditions of Sale supersede any other agreements or arrangements made via other methods of communication including but not limited to phone, email, chat, or SMS. Under no circumstances can our Terms and Conditions Sale be overridden or superseded without express written consent and wet signatures from authorized representatives of the involved parties detailing the specific modifications required. You may submit such requests to support@labscoop.com.
Can I place an order online from anywhere in the world?
Just about - there are a few exceptions based on the nature of the product being sold and the associated rules and regulations as well as any shipping restrictions and limitations from our courier partners. If you are concerned about this and would like to clarify before placing an order, please contact support@labscoop.com.