Many chemicals offered by Matrix Scientific via Labscoop are experimental and, therefore, not listed on the EPA’s TSCA inventory. Buyer acknowledges that Matrix Scientific’s products are sold solely for research and development, and that he will use the products in accordance with all applicable government regulations, including but not limited to those described herein. Customer acknowledges that they are familiar with the provisions of the Toxic Substances Control Act exemption for research and development found in 40 CFR 720.36. Customer agrees to notify Matrix Scientific in writing if their use of Matrix Scientific’s products is for manufacturing as defined in the Toxic Substances Control Act. Customer further agrees not to use Matrix Scientific’s products in manufacturing unless and until Matrix Scientific has ascertained that the product is listed in the TSCA Inventory List or that a premanufacturing notification has been filed and approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Products, which are currently on the EPA inventory, have been marked with (TSCA or T)under their respective SKU/catalog number on the product page on Labscoop. Please note that Labscoop and Matrix Scientific do NOT insure or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the TSCA status and assumes NO responsibility with respect thereto.
Labscoop and Matrix Scientific assume no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information in this catalog regarding the hazardous nature of the products listed or their suitability for any intended use. The customer assumes all responsibility for the safe and proper use of purchased products. All chemicals listed in this catalog should be treated as potentially harmful. The absence of a warning label does not mean that a product is harmless, as many of the items listed have not been fully evaluated for their possible harmful effects.
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